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442 Books Indexed
Title Description Author Language Date Added Status Download
Sects of Islam A book By Saeed Akhtar Rizvi about the attributies of Allah, can Allab be seen, place of Reason in religion, why belief in God, destiny - taqdir, prophets, imams and many more. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: World Organization for Islamic Services,P. O. Box 11365-1545, Tehran - IRAN Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Selections From Judgements Of Hazrat Ali (a.s.)   file from mail..Ms word..sent April 26,2013 ---done---- Xeynab en 09-11-2024
Selections From Judgements Of Hazrat Ali (as) file from mail..Ms word..sent April 26,2013 ---done---- Islamic Mobility - XKP en 09-11-2024
Self Building An Islamic Guide for Spiritual Migration Towards God The book presents a detailed description of special deeds as per formed by God's most devoted sincere servants during their lives, the self- restraint and asceticism practiced by them during these worships, and the spiritual purification achieved by them. In their spiritual migration towards God-Almighty the more they endeavored to advance forward the more nearer they reached to God's Countenance (Laqa). Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini - XKP en 09-11-2024
Self Knowledg In Arabic self-knowledge is called Marafatul-Nafs. What is Marafatul-Nafs or self-knowledge? It is knowledge about us, but what kind of knowledge? It is not the kind that has to do with knowing one's name, or father's name, or the place and date of one's birth. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Muhammad Ali Shomali - XKP en 09-11-2024
Sermon Without ALIF One day, a heated discussion went on among the Arabs and Muslims during which it was said that there is no alphabet that recurs in speech more often than "aleef" ("A"). All attendants agreed. It was then that the magnificent lantern of language, namely Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib (as), stood up and delivered a lengthy sermon. The entire sermon, from beginning to end, did not contain a single word having "aleef". ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (as) - XKP en 09-11-2024
Sermon Without DOTS An example of Hazrat Ali (as) mastery over the Arabic language manifested itself in this extempore sermon which, in its written form, is devoid of any dots! ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (as) - XKP en 09-11-2024
Sexual Ethics in Islam and in the Western World Islam and traditional sexual ethics, sexual freedom, sexual ethics in modern world, love, sexual discipline, and chastity. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Sexual Problems of Youths None of the problems the youths face today is as important as the sexual problem. Regretfully, we have to admit that this problem is becoming more complicated and serious due to developing automation in life, long duration of education and specialty courses, availability of luxury to all families, and lack of mutual confidence between girls and boys. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Al Uzma Nasir Makarim Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Shia This book, which we have called Shi'ite Islam, seeks to clarify the true identity of Shi'ism which is one of the two major branches of Islam - the other being Sunnism. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai - XKP en 09-11-2024
Shi'ism: Imamate and Wilayat Origin of Shi'ism, self-censorship in Muslim history, Ghadir Khumm and the Orientalists, appointment of Imam 'Ali (a) explicit or implicit?, concept of Ahlul Bayt, Wilayat, and the knowledge of the Ahlul Bayt (a). Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
SHIITE ISLAM: ORTHODOXY OR HETERODOXY? Second Emended and Amplified Edition - Luis Alberto Vittor clearly explains the essence of Shi'ite Islam on its own. Without the need of putting down any other sect of Islam, Shi'ite Islam can be understood truly for what its basic fundamentals and teachings. Luis Alberto Vittor - XKP en 09-11-2024
Short Interesting Stories Short stories by Bint al Huda. In each story the author presents solutions to common ideological problems, cultural issues and practices, and personal dilemmas in the light of teachings of Islam. Bint Al Huda - XKP en 09-11-2024
SIFAT USH-SHIA The Qualities of the shia This work is in fact three books whose topics are connected to each other. One of them, namely Sifat ush-Shia, focuses the lights on the qualities that the Shia should have within their moralities. ANSARIYAN PUBLICATIONS - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Sheikh Sadooq - XKP en 09-11-2024
Slavery from Islamic and Christian Perspectives Slavery is one of the oldest evils of society, Ancient civilizations could not eradicate slavery, so they compromised with it. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Published by: Vancouver Islamic Educational Foundation British Columbia - Canada ISBN 0-920675-07-7 Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Sociology of the Quran Part I The outlook of a school of thought regarding society and history and its specific approach to them, plays a decisive role in its ideology. From this point of view, it is essential, in the context of Islamic world outlook, to throw light on the Islamic approach to society and history. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Sociology of the Qur'an Part II This is the second part of Martyr Murtada Mutahhari's book Society and History (Jami'e wa tarikh), of which the first part appeared in the last issue (Vol. I, No. 3). - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Special Salawaat of the month of Shaban Beautiful Compilation for of supplication for the blessed month with arabic and english. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Seyed Mahmoud Madani - XKP en 09-11-2024
Spiritual Discourses Criteria for humanity, spiritual freedom, nobility, worship and prayer, repentance, migration, jihad, and belief in the unseen. al-islam.org - islamicmobility.com Translated by Dr. Aluddin Pazargadi Edited by Salman Tawhidi Published by: Islamic Propagation Org Tehran Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Spiritual Journey of the Mystics (Suluk-e-Airfaan) Etiquette of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. A comprehensive Commentary About the Esoteric Essence of the Holy Month of Ramadhan. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM AL-ISLAM.ORG Book Cover courtesy: AL-MUBIN.ORG Mirza Javad Agha Maliki Tabrizi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Spiritual Sayings Discourse One: The Criteria for Humanity Discourse Two: The School of Humanity Discourse Three: Spiritual Freedom (Part 1) Discourse Four: Spiritual Freedom (Part 2) Discourse Five: Nobility and Magnanimity of Spirit Discourse Six: Worship and Prayer (Part 1) Discourse Seven: Worship and Prayer (Part 2) Discourse Eight: Repentance (Part 1) Discourse Nine: Repentance (Part 2) Discourse Ten: Migration and Jihad (Part 1) Discourse Eleven: Migration and Jihad (Part 2) Discourse Twelve: Belief in the Unseen - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Stories of Bahlool Short and interesting Stories for kids from the life of Bahlool, the companion of the 7th Imam. Thanks to al-islam.org islamicmobility.com Kubra Jafri - xkp en 09-11-2024
Story of the Holy Ka’aba And its Peopl Sheikh Mufid’s Al-Irshad is any excellent resourse, but this is, although authentic, tedious to read and understand. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain S.M.R. Shabbar - XKP en 09-11-2024
Sulh al-Hasan - The Peace Treaty of Al-Hasan [as] This valuable book, Sulh al-Hasan, is, among the works of the great Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin. It is also among the important writings on the subject. So we may say that it is matchless. - Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin - XKP en 09-11-2024
Syeda Fatima (sa) The Most Paramount Lady of Islam I was requested to deliver a speech on the honored character of Fatima (peace be upon her). Granting this request would show my impotence to the utmost, because knowing Fatima (peace be upon her) and naturally, introducing her is a demanding task. What could I say about the one, whom no one really has known her save Allah; and indeed, no one has discovered her real character except Prophet Mohammed (a.s) and Imam Ali (peace be upon him). - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Dr. Ali Ghaemi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Tahzeeb ul Islam Written more than 100 years ago.. One of the most essential books for every Muslim home. It is one of oldest book and was written a century back by Allama Majlisi. This book contains the explanation and rules for the code of conduct and practically describes the discipline for a Muslim individual and Society. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - islamic-laws.com Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Taqiyah (Dissimulation) What is Taqiyah? When can it be used? Best way to perform taqiyah, and when it is not allowed. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Thanks to Al-Islam.org Published by: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania - First Edition, 1992 - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Temporary Marriage in Islamic Law The present work is based on an MA dissertation completed in 1974 under the direction of Professor Abu 'l-Qasim Gurji of the Faculty of Theology at Tehran University (most of the Persian text was published under the title Izdiwaj-i muwaqqat: (mut'a-sigha) - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Sachiko Murata - XKP en 09-11-2024
Tenets of Islam Short passages to explain the young readers about the numerous Islamic beliefs, including attributes of God, monotheism, will of Allah, Justice, Grace of Allah, Seal of Prophet, Rasul, Nabi, Superiority of Prophets, Infallibility of Imam, Imamate, previous religion, history of islam, ancestors, Mahdi, awaited imam and the Day of Judgement. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Shaykh Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Hasan Tusi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The 12 Imams The 12 Imams are the guardians of Islam named by Allah to protect His message. This book includes stories from each of the 12 Imams who guided the Muslims after the Prophet Muhammad (SAW.) - IslamicMobility.com Sakina Hasan Askari - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Amazing Qur'an Calling the Qur'an amazing is not something done only by Muslims, who have an appreciation for the book and who are pleased with it; it has been labelled amazing by non-Muslims as well. In fact, even people who hate Islam very much have still called it amazing. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Dr. Gary Miller - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Awaited Savior of Humanity (al-Mahdi in the Eyes of the Ahlul Bayt) Compilation of 40 Hadith on the 12th Imam, the awaited savior. Al Mahdi (atfs) ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Abdul Rahim Mugahi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Awaited Saviour A book written by Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatullah Mutahhari about the return of the 12th Imam, Imam Mahdi (a), answering objections about him, and his revolution. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Martyr Mohammad Baqir As Sadr - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Beauty of Charity The spiritual and worldly benefits of charity to individuals and society as a whole. Includes stories of Prophets, Imams & Scholars who have sacrificed their wealth for Allah (swt). - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ahmed Ali al-Kuwaity - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Bible, The Qur'an and Scienc The Bible, The Qur'an and Science - THE HOLY SCRIPTURES EXAMINED IN THE LIGHT OF MODERN KNOWLEDGE -- - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Maurice Bucaille - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE BOOK OF OCCULTATION - Kitab Al-Ghaibah The oceans of light Bihār al-Anwār by Allamah Muhammad Bāqir Ibn Muhammad Taqi al-Majlisi is a book of unparalleled worth and value in Islamic literature. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Allamah Muhammad Baqir Al-Majlisi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Charter of Rights (Risalat al-Huquq) A seventh century document on various legal and moral rights of human beings by Imam Ali ibn al Hussain (as) - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abidin (AS) - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Collection and Preservation of the Qur'an Gives evidence of how the Quran has remained pure since the time it was revealed and not undergone any tahrif (additions or omissions). Ayatullah Sayyid Abul Qasim Al Khui - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Educational System In Islam Islam has been using and equipping positively all powers for finding the sound education aiming at developing the human conscience and expanding the social and intellectual levels in the boundaries of a single educational process upon the base of which the individuals are formed in one mode. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Baqir Sharif al-Qarashi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Elixir of Love - In the memory of Shaikh Rajab Ali Khayyat Once at early youth when I accidentally encountered in Masjid-i Jamkaran in Qum with one of the devotees of Shaykh Rajab Ali, I became devotedly attached to the latter despite having never met him in person. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Mohammed Reyshahri - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Emergence of Shi'ism and the Shi'ites The relation between the ideological and the theological realms in Islam. Theories of the Caliphate and the Imamate in Islam and the historical development of Shi'ism as a distinct school of Islam thought. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Martyr Mohammad Baqir As Sadr - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE EPISTLE Imam Ali's Famous Epistle to Malik Ashtar Author: Imam Ali Amir al-Mu'minin (a.s) Imam Ali Amir al-Mu'minin (a.s) - fah en 09-11-2024
The Faith of Shi'a Islam The writer of this book comes from a respected family called by the name of al-Muzaffar. The father of ash-Shaykh Muhammad Rida al-Muzaffar, ash-Shaykh Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah, a jurist and a mujtahid, was a marja' at-taqlid. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Muhammad Rida Al Muzaffar - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Family in Islam The third edition includes a chapter on Marriage Etiquette according to Islamic teachings - This is Imam Shirazi's valuable effort in which he puts forward ideas and solutions to the problems of society. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Imam Muhammad Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The famous KHUTBA of Syeda Fatima Zahra (sa) Not DONE-- The Complete khutba of Hazrat Bibi Syeda Fatima (sa) the only daughter of Holy Prophet (saww) - Thanks to duas.org ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Daughter of Prophet Mohammed saww - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Fast of Ashura Authenticity of traditions encouraging Muslims to fast on the 'Ashura, the 10th of Muharram. extract from "Al-Serat A Journal of Islamic Studies" - Vol VIII No 3 & 4. Published by: Muhammadi Trust of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
"The Great Muslim Scientist and Philosopher Imam Jafar Ibn Mohammed As-Sadiq (as) Compiled by Hasnain Suchedina The Sixth Imam in the Twelver and Isma'ili traditions of Shi'i Islam. Imam Jaffer-as-Sadiq (AS) - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Greatest Jihad: Combat with the Self The topics of this book are a transcription of the discourses of Imām Khomeinī in Najaf al-Ashraf, which he delivered at the threshold of the blessed month of Ramadān and other days in the Islamic theological center. Ayatullah Ruhullah al-Musawi al-Khomeini - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Guide to Hajj Rites - The Rulings and Procedures of Hajj This book is the English translation of the Manaasik al-Hajj. The order of the material in this English version has been kept the same as the Arabic original. The book consists of main parts; the Hajj rulings, and the Hajj procedure. For the English translation, a third part – glossary – has been added for the benefit. - IslamicMobility.com Ayatollah Sayyid Sadiq Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Hereafter - Ma'ad A detailed account of humanity’s experience of death, and the stages beyond it, including the status in one’s grave, Barzakh, the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah), and the final recourse in Heaven or Hell. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Dastghaib Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Holy Quran and the month of Ramadhan Find out about the holy month of Ramadan , the month of the Quran. Read duas on each day and learn about the amazing miracle of Allah’s revealed message. Learn about people connected with this holy month and holy book. - IslamicMobility.com Sakina Hasan Askari - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Human Cycle - Eighteen Lessons with Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Jalali This text is a compilation of the notes that the author collected during lessons with Sayyid Muhammad Jalali regarding the training and upbringing of children. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Jalali - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Infallibility of the Prophets in the Qu'ran Beautifully compiled details about the prophets mentioned in Holy Quran with reference. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Published by: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania Dar es Salaam - Tanzania Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE ISLAMIC FAMILY STRUCTURE Derived from thirty lectures given on various topics relating to the Islamic family structure. Includes topics on marriage, relationships among family members, pregnancy, and raising children. en.rafed.net - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Hujjatul-Islam Husayn Ansarian - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Islamic Modest Dress Ayatullah Sayyid Muhammad Kazim Tabatabai Yazdi wrote, "In truth, if a person were to look at Islam with an open mind, he or she would confirm that the way of Islam is the way of moderation. Murtadha Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Journey of Imam Husain http://www.aldhiaa.com/english/show_book.php?book_id=146&link_book=holy_prophet_and_ahlul_bayt_library/imam_hussein/the_journey_of_imam_hussain --done--- Sheikh Al-Mufid en 09-11-2024
The Journey of Tears This text has been written primarily to bring forth awareness in youths to understand the University of Imam Husayn (a.s.) from a broader perspective. It also provides a detailed account of Imam Husayn (a.s.)'s journey. Short Majalis for young kids. -- ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Mullah Bashir Hassanali Rahim - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Justice of God - Adl -e- Ilahi The concept of the 'Justice of God' in Islam. This book deals with philosophical topics such as 'Test and Suffering', 'Action and Knowledge of God', 'Fate and Divine Decree'. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Last Journey (Manazile Akherah) A beautiful comprehensive book by the legendary Shaikh Abbas bin Mohammad Reza Al-Qummi about Whatever comes into existence must traverse a path leading to death, it makes no difference whether it be a man or one of the other countless forms of life. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Shaikh Abbas Al - Qummi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Learnings Of The Glorious Quran At a time when all the deviated schools of thought try to connect and join a series of matters into an orderly and coordinated whole and to present their incorrect thoughts as a coherent unit, we must be even keener in offering the learnings of the Qur'an systematically and in good order so that a researcher may start from a particular point and advance to connect the rings of the Islamic learnings into a joint chain so as to finally attain to the aim of the Qur'an and Islam. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Hujjatul Islam Ayatullah Misbah Yazdi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Life and the Tales of Prophet Adam (pbuh) This is my humble translation for the book of Abdul-Sahib Al-'ameli. Of course, and because of the high flexibility of Arabic and it's numerous words and divisions, my translation won't exactly be in the same line of the book, but I tried my best to give the overall meaning as much as and as clearer as possible. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Abdul Sahib Al Hasani Al Amili - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Life of Imam ‘Ali al-Hadi, Study and Analysis A comprehensive and detailed biography and analysis of the life of our tenth Imam, Ali bin Muhammad al-Hadi [a]. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: Ansariyan Publications Qum - Iran www.ansariyan.net - al-islam.org Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Life of Imam Hasan Al-'Askari This text contains a detailed biography of the life, lineage, and circumstances of our eleventh Imam [a]. Apart from detailing the life of the Imam [a], the author also discusses the tafsir (exegesis) of the Qur'an that is attributed to him, as well as lists and describes all the companions of his who narrated traditions from him. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: Ansariyan Publications Qum Iran. Baqir Shareef al-Qurashi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Life of Muhammad The Prophet Detailed account of the life and history of Prophet Muhammad (s), including his birth and early life, events in Makkah and Madina, and his final years. The idea behind writing this book was to satisfy the needs of our new generation - the youths and the students who are unable to study the scholastic books written by the Muslim scholars. Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE MASTER OF MARTYRS This book is a translation of the original Arabic book called " Al-Malhoof Ala Katla Al-Tofoof " which is a brief, and short story of the battle of Karbala. The author of the original Arabic book is named "Al-Sayed ibn Tawoos" who is a descendent of Ali ibn Abi-Talib (A.S.). The author lived in Iraq and died at year 664 A.H. at Baghdad. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Al Sayed Ibn Tawoos - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Mercy of Qur'an and The Advent of Zaman - Commentary on Four Suras Compilation of the Biography of the author. And Beautiful Commentaries on 4 suras (chapters); sura al-Ankabut, Sura al-Rahman, Sura al-Waqi'a, Sura al-Mulk. - IslamicMobility.com - al-islam.org Published by: Zahra Publications USA Copyright 1984 Zahra Publications Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE ORIGIN OF SHIITE ISLAM AND IT'S PRINCIPLES Our only aim is that all the Muslims, individually and collectively, may know the real beliefs of the Shi'as and, by refraining from attributing false beliefs to their brothers, may not do injustice to themselves. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM ALLAMAH SHAYKH MOHD HUSAYN AL KASHIFU 'LGHITA' en 09-11-2024
The Position of Women from the Viewpoint of Imam Khomeini This text comprehensively outlines the Position of Women from the viewpoint of Imam Khomeini (r.a.). Starting with acknowledging the Great Women of the World, such as Hazrat Fatima Zahra, the compilation then covers the status and rights of women in Islam as well as the role of women in their families, and the Jihad of a woman, specifically giving examples from women during the time of the Islamic Revolution. Ayatullah Ruhullah al-Musawi al-Khomeini - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE PROMISED ONE IN QURAN It is imperative that the routes of the firm beliefs and understandings of Islam must be contained in the Holy Ouran, the words of God. It is with the reason, the basic belief of ‘MAHDAVIYAT is seen in the ayats of Quran in totality (that is the society, from every aspect) reaching to the heights of justice and fair place. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Islamic Mobility - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE QUR’AN When it was Compiled This book, ‘When was the Qur’an Compiled’ by the esteemed writer and source of religious knowledge Imam Muhammad Shirazi, deals with the subject of the collation of the Qur’an. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Imam Muhammad Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Qur'an and its Translators The Qur'an has been without doubt the most influential book in the history of mankind, in the same way as the great Prophet to whom it was revealed has been the most influential of men - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM ----done--- Ali Quli Qarai - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Qur'an: Its Protection from Alteration Appearance of forged ahadith, and the Sunni vs Shi'i attitudes towards such hadith and supposed alterations in the Qur'an. Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE QURAN ON ASTRONOMY Science in the Quran - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Islamic Mobility - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Radiance of the Secrets of Prayer In this text, Muhsin Qara'ati introduces the Secrets of Prayer by explaining different reasons and dimensions for worship. Several other texts outline the physical method of prayer and worship. However, in this text we find how to spiritually prepare ourselves and recognize if our prayers have been accepted. The text also discusses preliminaries of prayer, the prayer itself, and acts after the prayer. -- ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Muhsin Qara'ati - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE REVEALER THE MESSENGER THE MESSAGE Belief in God, His existence, and His attributes. Belief in the Messenger Prophet Muhammad (s) and in prophethood. Belief in the message Islam. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Martyr Mohammad Baqir As Sadr - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Revolution of Imam al Husayn Its Impact on the Consciousness of Muslim Society Its Impact on the Consciousness of Muslim Society Shaykh Muhammad Mahdi Shams al-Din Translated from the Arabic by I.K.A. Howard The impact of Karbala on the consciousness of Muslim society. Ziyara (pilgrimage), lamentation poetry, remembering Imam Husayn (a), and weeping. -- ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Shaykh Mohdd Mahdi Shamsaddin Al Amili - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Rights of Prisoners According to Islamic Teachings As a complete system of teaching for life, Islam addresses every aspect of life to guide mankind to the best possible solution in every respect. Islam addresses issues of concern for this life and beyond. Translated by Z. Olyabek - imamshirazi.com Imam Muhammad Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Ritual Ablutions for Women - Taharatu N Nisa A Comprehensive book on the shari'ah laws pertaining to the ritual ablutions for women according to the Shi'ite (Jafa'ari) school of Jurisprudence (fiqh) Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Ritual and Spiritual Purity The ahadith you find in this book have not been selected at random; I have tried my best to ascertain their authenticity and acceptability before using them. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Rules on the Female's Three Natures of Blood A New and Comprehensive Presentation of the Rules on Menstruation (Al-haidh), False Menstruation (Al-istehadha) and LaborPostpartum Bleeding (Al-nifas) Based on the conviction and views of His Eminence the Great Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Al-Sistani (May he live long) - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Shaker Al Yusif - XKP en 09-11-2024
THE SERMON OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD AT GHADIR KHUM “Certainly, I just conveyed what I have been ordered to convey as an argument against everyone, be him present or absent, a direct witness or not, and already born or not yet born. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Vahid Majd - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Shia - The Real Followers of The Sunnah This book can best be described as an inquiry of an explorer of the truth into the delicate yet essential question of: "Who is better qualified to the claim of being a follower of Islam's Prophet in spirit and in practice?" Sayed Mohamed Tijani Smaoui - XK en 09-11-2024
The Story of Prophet Uzair The Return of the Soul - The Story of Prophets Uzayr By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Story of Prophets Dauwud and Sulayman The Kingdom of Faith - The Story of Prophets Dauwud and Sulayman By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Story of Taloot and Jaloot The Stone of Victory - The Story of Taloot and Jaloot By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed islamicmobility.com Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Sufferings of Amirol Mo'minin Ali ibn Abi Talib (A.S.) About the sufferings during the life and Martyrdom of Imam Ali (AS). Text taken from rafed.net - 14five.com Majid Massoudi - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Torch of Perpetual Guidance, Ziyarat ‘Ashura of Imam Husayn This text is a gateway to understanding the essence and ettiquete of Ziyarat and Du'a, primarily Ziyarat-e-Ashura, which has then been singled verse by verse, and has been explained in detail. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ali Asghar Azizi Tehrani - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Unschooled Prophet One of the highlights in the life of the Prophet (s) is the fact that he was untrained and unschooled. The scribes of the Prophet, Hudaybiyya, the word 'ummi', and the literacy of the Prophet. - IslamicMobility.com Published by: Islamic Propagation Organization - Iran - al-islam.org Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Victory of Truth : The Life of Zaynab bint 'Ali This is the story of the victory of truth. It is the story of a unique woman whose own fate was inextricably bound with the historical events of Karbala that have impressed upon mankind the true reality of living Islam. - Thanks to alseraj.net Researched and Edited by M. H. Bilgrami - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Islamic Mobility - XKP en 09-11-2024
The Voice of Human Justice (Sautu'l 'Adalati'l Insaniyah) A book praising the prince of the believers Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb (a.s.) and describing his justice written by a lebanese christian , George Jordac. Publisher: Ansariyan Publications – Qom George Jordac - fah en 09-11-2024
The Wine of Love, Mystical Poetry of Imam Khomeini During the course of his blessed life, Imam Khomeini presented to humanity, by his pen and tongue, all he had received from the divine source of grace. In like manner, in his divine mystic, peripatetic journeys Imam Khomeini had gained access to secrets that were concealed from others. Ayatullah Ruhullah al-Musawi al-Khomeini - XKP en 09-11-2024
The world’s most outstanding Lady: Fatima az-Zahra’ The historical proceedings of the Prophet's (s) daughter Fatima Az Zahra, from childhood until marriage. Then an account of the sufferings and hardships after the martyrdom of the Holy Prophet (s), till the moment of her martyrdom. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Published by: Naba Organization Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
THEN I WAS GUIDED A research study with reference material by Sayed Mohamed Tijani Smaoui Text Taken from al-islam.org Sayed Mohamed Tijani Smaoui - XK en 09-11-2024
Theology And Metaphysics In Nahj Al Balaghah One of the fundamental issues dealt with in the Nahj al-balaghah relates to theological and metaphysical problems. In all, there are about forty places in the sermons, letters, and aphorisms where these matters are discussed. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Murtadha Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
To Be With the Truthful An extension of the book "Then I was Guided" by the same author, with the purpose of elaborating with further evidence on the truthfulness of Shia beliefs. Discussion of major doctrines of Shi'i Islam, and differences with Sunni Islam. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Sayed Muhammad Al Tijani Al Samawi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Tradition of Mufaddal Pearls of Wisdom from Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (AS) Narrated by his companion Mufaddal ibn `Umar Mufaddal ibn `Umar - FAH en 09-11-2024
Tranquil Heart - 43 Recollections of Imam Khomeini Relating to Prayers Tranquil Heart - Forty-three Recollections of Imam Khomeini Relating to Prayers Originally Published in the Persian Language by: Association of Learning and Human Resource Research Office Scheduling and production of learning materials Literacy movement organisation Translated by: M Raza Qum, Iran, 2005 - Thanks to al-islam.org ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Islamic Mobility - XKP en 09-11-2024
Truth About Shi'ah Ithna 'Ashari Faith As'ad Wahid al-Qasim is a seeker of the truth who tried hard to reach it very bitterly till Allah guided him to the Straight Path. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Asad Wahid al-Qasim - XKP en 09-11-2024
Two Women and a Man An Islamic novel by Bint al Huda. Hasanat, a very pious young girl recently gets engaged with Mustafa who is studying in a foreign country. Her sister Rihab is influenced by liberal ideologies of the west and is jealous of her happy life. She makes a secret plot to destroy her relationship with Mustafa by writing letters to him pretending as Hasanat. Bint Al Huda - XKP en 09-11-2024
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