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442 Books Indexed
Title Description Author Language Date Added Status Download
Islamic Laws of Ayatullah Khui Laws on cleanliness, prayers, fasting, hajj, transactions, marriage, and other topics. According to the risalah of Ayatullah Sayyid AbulQasim al-Khu'i. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Sayyid Abul Qasim Al Khui - XKP en 09-11-2024
Islamic Marriage Handbook This book is compiled for those intending to marry in the near future or the newly married people. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Thanks to al-islam.org Published by: World Islamic Network (WIN Islam) Syed Athar Husain S.H. Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Islamic Rulings: Medical Issues A compilation of queries on various topics answered by Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei which have been arranged in topic-wise sections. Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei - XKP en 09-11-2024
Islamic Teachings for Kids with Q/A Short lessons for children on different aspects of Islam, including belief in God, the Prophet and the Imams, as well as prayers, morals, and good behavior. Thanks to al-islam.org - islamicmobility.com Islamic Seminary - XKP en 09-11-2024
Islamic Teachings in Brief This book, written in a relatively simple language, presents a summary of the teachings of Islam. It elaborates on some of the core principles and beliefs in Islam that are important for all followers of the Ahlulbayt to be familiar with. Each principle is explained using references from the Qur'an, hadith, and priactices of the Ahlulbayt . ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Allama Tabatabai - XKP en 09-11-2024
Isti'adha: Seeking Allah's Protection from Satan An explanation of Istiadha through its five aspects namely, piety, remembrance of Allah, resignation on the wishes of Allah, honesty of purpose and humility in supplication. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: World Islamic Network Mumbai, India http://www.winislam.com/ Ayatullah Dastghaib Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Istikhara: Seeking the Best from Allah (swt) A detail explanation of the true meaning of Istikhara & it's proper usage. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Translated by: Saleem Bhimji Muhammad Baqir Haideri - XKP en 09-11-2024
Ja'far al-Tayyar Excellent for young readers, Biography of the cousin of the Prophet (saww) and the brother of Imam 'Ali (as). Translated by Jasim al-Alyawy Published by: Ansariyan Foundation PO Box 37185 / 187 Qum, Iran Thanks to 14five.com - al-islam.org Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Jesus Christ Speaks through Shia Narrations Words of the Word of God: Jesus Christ Speaks through Shia Narrations Selected, edited and translated by Mahdi Muntazir Qa'im and Muhammad Legenhausen Vol 13. No. 3.- 4 Al-Tawhid - al-islam.org Words of the Word of God: Jesus Christ (a) Speaks through Shi'i Narrations ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Mahdi Muntazir Qa'im and Muhammad Legenhausen - XKP en 09-11-2024
Jihad The Holy War of Islam and Its Legitimacy in the Quran http://www.al-islam.org/short/jihad/index.html ---done--- Ayatullah Morteza Mutahhari en 09-11-2024
JOURNEY OF THE UNSEEN WORLD (Rooh Ka Safar) Man instinctively desires to have an understanding of the life Hereafter, i.e. the life after death and the state of the Barzakh (the interval between death and resurrection), which we all have to face. ISLAMICMOBILITY.com Translated by: Ghulam Hussain Edited by: Sadiq Raza Published by: Ansariyan Publications Ayatullah Najafi Quchani - XKP en 09-11-2024
Justice of God A short text on the nature of Allah's attribute of `Adl (Justice) where the author discusses philosophical issues about its seeming incompatibility with events like natural disasters as well as with Allah's own Divine Will. Published by: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania Ayatullah Naser Makarem Shirazi - FAH en 09-11-2024
Karbala Historical Resources http://www.aldhiaa.com/english/show_book.php?book_id=889&link_book=holy_prophet_and_ahlul_bayt_library/imam_hussein/karbala_historical_resources ---done-- Sheikh Al-Mufid en 09-11-2024
Khadija tul Kubra - A Short Story of Her Lif Her family tree, early life, marriage to the Prophet (s), generosity, status, and role in the events of early Islamic history. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: Tahrike Tarsile Qur'an Publishers and Distributors of Holy Qur'an Al-Islam.org Syed A.A Razwy - XKP en 09-11-2024
KHAIR-UL-BAREEYAH In this book we present selections from Sihah-e-Sittah and other Sunni authentic sources. Selections from Sihah-e-Sittah (Saheeh Bukhari, Saheeh Muslim Jam'a Tirmizee, Sunan Ibne-e-Majah & Sunan Abi Dawood) Translated by SYED FARHAT HUSAIN islamicmobility.com Sihah-e-Sittah - XKP en 09-11-2024
Khums (The Islamic Tax) Since khums is an issue with which a Shi`ah Muslim is faced at least once in a year, the need for a simple and, at the same time, comprehensive book on this subject has been felt in our community since a long time. And therefore, when this booklet was published in 1984 in Vancouver, it was, al-hamdu lil-lah, very well received. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Khutbah Iftikhária - The Sermon of Glorification Series related to the most Famous Sermon of Imam Ali (as). A Must read specially for pure souls, beautiful words presented in extra ordinary manner. Islamicmobility.com Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (as) - XKP en 09-11-2024
Khutbah Rajjat Series related to the most Famous Sermon of Imam Ali (as) Islamicmobility.com Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (as) - XKP en 09-11-2024
Khutbah Shiqshiqiyyah Series related to the most Famous Sermon of Hazrat Imam Ali (as) Islamicmobility.com Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (as) - XKP en 09-11-2024
Khutbah Tutunjiyyih - Sermon of the Gulf Series related to the most Famous Sermon of Imam Ali (as) Khutbah-e-Tutunjiyyih - Sermon of the Gulf Islamicmobility.com Amirul Momineen Imam Ali (as) - XKP en 09-11-2024
KITAB AL IRSHAD 1 This book sets out to name the twelve Shi'i Imams. It briefly describes the circumstances of the Imamate of each Imam, the miracles that each performed by which he gave evidence of his Imamate, the virtues of each Imam, and the circumstances of the death of all the Imams and the disappearance of the last Imam. It also gives an outline of the nass, or the nomination of each Imam. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Sheikh Al Mufid - XKP en 09-11-2024
Kumayl Bin Ziyad Excellent for young readers. Biography of the companion of Imam Ali (as). Translated by Jasim al-Alyawy Published by: Ansariyan Foundation P O Box 37185 / 187 Qum, Iran Thanks to 14five.com - al-islam.org Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Lady Fatima Masuma (a) of Qum Lady Fatima Masuma (a) was the daughter of the 7th Imam, Imam Musa al-Kadhim (a), and the sister of the 8th Imam, Imam Ali al-Rida (a). She was a noble lady who dedicated her life to Islam and Allah. She is buried in the city of Qum in Iran. This book includes her biography, education, and narrationof traditions. It also includes the history and description of her shrine and a brief look at the city of Qum. Masuma Jaffer - XKP en 09-11-2024
Lantern of the Path A collection of Hadith by the 6th Imam on knowledge, behavior, remembrance, prayer, and fear of God. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Thanks to Al-islam.org Translated by: Shaykh Fadhlallah Haeri Published by: Ansariyan Publications Qum, Iran Imam Jaffer-as-Sadiq (AS) - XKP en 09-11-2024
LECTURES ON ASHURA - Ali Quli Qara'i Ashura - Misrepresentations and Distortions Translated from the Persian by 'Ali Quli Qara'i Vol XIII No. 3. This is a translation of a series of four sermons delivered by the author during the month of Muharram on the topic of the meaning and significance of 'Ashura and the martyrdom of Imam Husayn at Karbala. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Lessons from the Lives of our Ulema A Compilation of Short lessons from the stories about the life of Ulema. Prepared & Translated by Shaikh Abbas Jaffer. IslamicMobility.com Islamic-Laws.com Islamic-laws Ulamaa Biographies en 09-11-2024
Let Us Understand Eachother (Shia - Sunni Dialogue) The aim of this book is neither to attack anyone nor to make the opinion of others as nonsense. It is also not an aimless discussion. It is just an effort to explain the beliefs of Ithna Ashari Shias and their tenets. There are many question marks before us. Abdul Hadi Saleh Thanks to WIN - World Islamic Network www.winislam.com - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Abdul Hadi Abdul Hameed Saleh - XKP en 09-11-2024
Light Within M Introduction to Irfan, stages of the spiritual journey, guidance and perfection, Interpretation of Sura al-Hamd, and the Invocation of Sha'baniyah. islamicmobility.com Written by Shaheed Murtada Mutahhari Allamah Muhammad Husayn Tabatabai Ayatullah Ruhullah Khumayni Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
LIGHTS ON THE MUHAMMADAN SUNNAH or DEFENCE OF THE HADITH This book is, undoubtedly, a brave and intrepid dedication for defending the Messenger of humankind, Muhammad (may God’s peace and benediction be upon him and his Progeny). Its author’s position can never be more than a sincere companion undertaking the task of defending his Prophet in the Battle of Uhud or Hunayn. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Mahmud Abu Riyyah - XKP en 09-11-2024
Living the Right Way A collection of sayings from the Holy Quran, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and his Household (a.s.) that, if put into practice, they guarantee the happiness of humans in this world and in the world to come. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Jafari Propagation Centre - Opp. Khoja Masjid, Bandra (W), Mumbai-E-mail: jpcbandra@hotmail.com al-islam.org Ayatullah Jawad Tehraani - XKP en 09-11-2024
Logic For Islamic Rules What's the Logic behind ISLAMIC LAWS - TAWZIH UL MASAAEL. Question Answers about islamic fiqh (Jurispurdence) islamicmobility.com islamic-laws.com 14five.com Ayatullah Makarim Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Lohoof (Sighs of Sorrow) http://www.aldhiaa.com/english/show_book.php?book_id=329&link_book=holy_prophet_and_ahlul_bayt_library/imam_hussein/lohoof_sighs_of_sorrow ---done--- Seyed Ibn Tâwûs (r.a.) en 09-11-2024
Malik Al-Ashtar Excellent for young readers, Biography of the brave companion of Imam Ali (as). Translated by Jasim al-Alyawy Published by: Ansariyan Foundation PO Box 37185 / 187 Qum, Iran Thanks to 14five.com - al-islam.org Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Man and His Destiny This title deals with the Islamic point of view on fate and destiny. Martyr Ayatullah Mutahhari critically examines historical doctrines on predestination and free will put forth by various schools of thought in Islam including the Mu'tazali and Ash`ari. - Published by: Islamic Seminary (ISP) Printed by Prima Printers, Karachi, 1988 al-islam.org Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Manasik al-Hajj The Hajj in Islamic law is a group of sacred rites and is one of the pillars upon which Islam is established. Hajj in its two parts, the wajib and the mustahabb, is of great merit and with an ample reward. - Thanks to islamicecenter.com - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei - XKP en 09-11-2024
Manifestations of the All-Merciful Commentary and reflections on the first portion of the supplication recited daily during the month of Ramadhan that begins with "Allahumma adkhil `alaa ahli-l-quboor as-suroor" (O Allah, give happiness to the people of the grave). Includes Part I and II. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: Tabligh Center of KSI Jamaat Dsm Tanzania Abu Muhammad Zaynu'l 'Abidin en 09-11-2024
Manner of Awaiting Almost twelve centuries have now passed from the sorrowful occultation of the Imam of the age (a.t.f.s.). The writings that you have at hand are a selection of those very divine duties and responsibilities, which we have compiled for recalling and reminding ourselves about them. Translated by: Jalili Dorrani - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Ali Akbar Talaafi - XKP en 09-11-2024
MAQTAL AL-HUSAIN : Martyrdom Epic of Imam Al-Husain Author Abd al Razzaq al-Muqarram This book is simply referring to the Karbala tragedy, for it certainly is the greatest of all tragedies, the most momentous of all catastrophes that befell the Progeny of the Chosen One (S). - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM IslamicMobility.com - XKP en 09-11-2024
Marriage and Morals in Islam This book is the result of a need which I sensed after my first three years in Canada. A person in my position as a religious guide is always confronted by people with questions related to their religious and personal problems. ISBN: 0-920675-10-7 Published by the Islamic Education & Information Centre, Warden Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada Sayyid Muhammad Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
MARY AND JESUS IN ISLAM This book is an attempt to bring Christians and Muslims together in order to set the foundation for a global solidarity needed in the face of the real threat of extremism and terrorism ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Yasin Jibouri - XKP en 09-11-2024
Master and Mastershi Definition of the words stemming from the arabic root wala, types of wala, wala of Imamate, leadership and control. Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Matrimonial Rights Marriage is the holy legal tie between man and woman through which they share the same life and reciprocate definite rights and obligations. God has passed the law of matrimony so as to keep humankind on this earth and keep the earth constructed and prosperous. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Sayyid Mahdi As Sadr - XKP en 09-11-2024
Maytham Al-Tammar Excellent for young readers. A Biography of the companion of Imam Ali (as). Thanks to al-islam.org - islamicmobility.com Published by Ansariyan Foundation, Iran Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Me'raj - The Night Ascension Me'raj in the Qur'an, physical ascension, traditions relating the events which occurred during Me'raj. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM thanks to al-mubin.org - al-islam.org - al-haqq.com Mullah Faidh Al Kashani - XKP en 09-11-2024
Merits of earth (turbah) of Imam Husain’s Grav Soil which is in the vicinity of the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.) is sacred. Allah has bestowed it with beneficence, unsurpassed in compassion to any other material. Allah has ordained it to be a cure for every illness, and source of Barakat and Divine mercy Ayatullah Dastghaib Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Miscellaneous Fatwas Miscellaneous Fatwas regarding issues like consumption of medicines containing alcohol, About Meat in Europa and USA, Professional Female photographers, The permissibility of playing someone's wife in a film, hair showing beneath head covering, Wearing clothing with pictures of symbols - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei - XKP en 09-11-2024
Mizanul Hikmah One of the Major Hadith Book in Islam - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Ayatullah Mohammed Reyshahri - XKP en 09-11-2024
Moment by Moment : Expecting the Advent of al-Qa\'im (PBUH) http://shiastudies.net/library/Subpage_L/Book.php?syslang=2&id=332 ---done---(but chapter 1,7,12,17 have an unfinished paragraphs.) Vahid Majd en 09-11-2024
Moral Stories For Kids Short Interesting stories for young readers. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM AHMED H. SHERIFF - XKP en 09-11-2024
Moral Values of Qur'an, a Commentary on Surah Hujurat A detailed tafsir (exegesis) on Surah Hujurat by Ayatullah Dastaghaib Shirazi focusing on the moral instructions and contained within and lessons on how to implement this morality. IslamicMobility.com Ayatullah Dastghaib Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Morality of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h.) Book about Holy Prophet (saww) Allama Hussein Ansariyan - XKP en 09-11-2024
Muhammad (S) is the Last Prophet This text is a response to the erroneous Ahmadiyya (Qadiani) beliefs about the alleged prophet-hood of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. It discusses in depth the finality of prophet-hood with Prophet Muhammad in light of the Qur'an and traditions (ahadith). It also refutes the claims that connect Imam Mahdi with Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi Excellent for Young readers, Short Biography of the companion who took revenge on the killers of Imam Husayn (a). Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Musab Al Khair Excellent for young readers. Biography of the companion of the Prophet (s). Kamal al-Syyed - xkp en 09-11-2024
MUSIC AND ITS EFFECTS Nowadays, people are getting more and more involved in Music and for them, it has become a part of their daily life. I have endeavoured to present in this booklet the scientific and spiritual points of view on music and dance etc. These observations have been quoted from various books of Persian, Urdu and English languages. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM AHMED H. SHERIFF - XKP en 09-11-2024
NAFASUL MAHMOOM - Relating to the Heart Rending Tragedy of Karbala A historical account, using original sources, of the Tragedy of Karbala, from the time of the birth of Imam Hussain till the time of Mukhtar's revolt By Sheikh Abbas Qummi IslamicMobility.com Al-islam.org Published by: ISLAMIC STUDY CIRCLE India Haj Shaikh Abbas Qummi (a.r.) en 09-11-2024
NAHJ AL-FASAHAH HEIGHT OF RHETORIC The superb Maxims of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAWA). The book is considered one of the most magnificent encyclopedias that comprise this great heritage of Islam. The presentation is in English version and contains 3200 sayings which have been arranged in alphabetical order. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM HOLY PROPHET HAZRAT MUHAMMAD MUSTAFA (SAWW) en 09-11-2024
Nahjul Balagha - Vol 2 Letters and Sayings Peak of Eloquence - This is the english translation of the most important work of al-Radi. He compiled the selected sermons, letters and sayings of Amir al-Mu'minin 'Ali (as). This Vol includes only Sermons. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Ali Ibn Abi Talib (as) - XKP en 09-11-2024
NEED FOR RELIGION What is Religion? What is the Need of Religion? Misunderstandings About Religion, Evolution, The so-called Pascal’s Bet, Necessary Qualities of a Religion all these are beautifully explained by Muballighin Allamah Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi (r.a.)Published by: Al-Ma’arif Publication Dar es Salaam - TANZANIA - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
One Hundred Fifty Lessons for Lif Our Greatest capital after divine book, Holy Quran, is practice of the prophet and valuable traditions of household of prophet (pbuh) and these are two great weights after demise of the prophet (s.a.) and resorting to them prevents man from misguidance and error. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Our Philosophy Our Philosophy is a collection of our basic notions concerning the world and our way of considering it. For this reason, the book, with the exception of the Introduction, is divided into two investigations: one concerned with the theory of knowledge, and the other, with the philosophical notion of the world. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Martyr Mohammad Baqir As Sadr - XKP en 09-11-2024
Parents and Children Topics like Child Wishes vs Father Wishes, Among the Mistakes of the Parents 1 - Essential Differences 2- Determination and Strictness 3- Spying and Monitoring 4- Guardiahip and Protection 5- Independence and Separation Points of Differences Between the Two Generatio Parents and Educational Affairs of Children are discussed in this short book a must read! IslamicMobility.com Al Balagh Foundation - XKP en 09-11-2024
PERFECT MAN What makes a perfect man, nature of man, relation of man with nature. Translated by Aladdin Pazargadi - Edited by Shah Tariq Kamal - Published by: Foreign Department Of Boyad Be'that ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Thanks to al-islam.org Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
PESHAWAR NIGHTS Part - 1 Shia Islam in Sunni Traditions Translated from the Persian by Hamid Quinlan and Charles Ali Campbell Sultanu'l-Wa'izin Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
PESHAWAR NIGHTS Part - 2 Shia Islam in Sunni Traditions Translated from the Persian by Hamid Quinlan and Charles Ali Campbell Sultanu'l-Wa'izin Shirazi - XK en 09-11-2024
POLARIZATION AROUND THE CHARACTER OF 'ALI IBN ABI TALIB The qualities and practices of Imam Ali (a) that caused others to be attracted to him, including love and devotion to God. The qualities and practices that made his enemies hate him, including his opinions on the caliphate and his sense of democracy. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Pork This text analyses the impermissible of consumption of pork in Islam through a series of thirty six questions posed from a Christian perspective with brief and clear responses to them. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM - Published in 1978 by: W.O.F.I.S. World Organization for Islamic Services, Tehran - IRAN. Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
POWER OF PRAYERS This is a revised edition of POWER OF PRAYERS with some corrections and additions that will be useful to faithful sisters and brothers in Faith InshAllah. Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki, Dar as Salaam Safar, 1424: April 2003 - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Mustafa Hajji Ahmed Khaki - XKP en 09-11-2024
Practical Laws of Islam These are the Islamic Laws according to the Fatawa of Ayatullah al-Uzma Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei. Thanks to http://www.leader.ir/tree/index.php?catid=23 - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Hosseini Khamenei - XKP en 09-11-2024
Practice kids Performing the prayer, Wuzou, How Do We Perform the Prayer? The Friday Prayer, Value of Prayer, The Month Ramadan & Fasting, Fasting, Zakat, Khums, Hajj - IslamicMobility.com Islamic Mobility - XKP en 09-11-2024
Principles of Faith - Usul al Deen The details about the roots of religion Tawhid, Adal, Nabuwat, Imamate, qayamat. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Al-Uzma Shaykh Husayn Vahid Khorasani - XKP en 09-11-2024
Principles of Marriage and Family Ethics The greatest desire of all young men and women who reach the age of puberty is to marry. Through the establishment of a joint marital life, they would earn more independence, as well as have a kind and trustworthy partner. They regard marriage as the beginning of their lives of prosperity. ISLAMICMOBILITY Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini - XKP en 09-11-2024
Principles of Upbringing Children Advice for parents, supported by the Hadith and Quran, on the upbringing and training of Children. IslamicMobility.com Published by: Ansariyan Publications Qum, The Islamic Republic of Iran Al-Islam.org Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini - XKP en 09-11-2024
PROMINENT ULAMAA, PRIOR TO 100 YEARS Biographies of the Ulamaa, prior to 100 years. There sincere services for the generations. Bihar ul-Anwar Imam Sadiq (as) ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Islamic-laws.com Islamic-laws Ulamaa Biographies - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophecies About Holy Prophet in Hindu, Christian, Jewish n Parsi A short text shedding light on the prophecies predicting the arrival of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) in older scriptures of different faiths, as attested to by the Holy Qur'an. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. - al-islam.org Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Ayyub (as) Surely He Was Frequent In Returning (To Allah) - The Story of Our Prophet Ayyub. By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Hud The Storm Of Anger - The Story of Our Prophet Hud By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed IslamicMobility.com Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Ibrahim The Destroyer of Idols - The Story of Our Prophet Ibrahim By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Ismail The Slaughtered One - The Story of Our Prophet Isma'il By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Lut The Sky Rained Meteors - The Story of Our Prophet Lot By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) The best of creation, the noblest example, the Mercy for all mankind, the Holy Prophet of Islam is the last Messenger from Allah. Find out about him and his teachings. - IslamicMobility.com Sakina Hasan Askari - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Salih Allah's She-Camel - The Story of Our Prophet Salih By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed IslamicMobility.com Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Shu'ay To Madyan - The Story of Our Prophet Shu'ayb By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Younis A Journey In The Deep Water - The Story of Our Prophet Younis By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed IslamicMobility.com Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophet Yousuf O You Who Is Very Truthful! - The Story of Our Prophet Yousuf By: Kamal al-Syyed Translated by: Jasim al-Rasheed IslamicMobility.com Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
Prophethood The book explains beautifully the difference between nabi & rasul, its meaning, qualifications, importance, responsibility, previous prophets, the meaning of Ismat, the sin of Adam what was the reason and many more interesting fact with the prove from Holy Book! - IslamicMobility.com Allamah Sayyid Sa'eed Akhtar Rizvi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Qalbe Saleem - Immaculate Conscienc An elaborate text that describes extensively the sins and diseases of the heart, as seen through the light of the Qur'an and the narrations (ahadith) of the Ahlulbayt ('a). This manual gets us closer to Allah SWT and explains the characteristics that take us away from Him. Published by: Ansariyan Publications ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Dastghaib Shirazi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Questions and Answers on faith and practic Allah, the High had sent Hazrat Hujjatul Islam Wal Muslemeen, al Haaj Aqae Sayyed Mohammad Musawi (May Allah shower His bounties on him) as a bounty to India. In reality, he awakened the people of India and imparted determination and enthusiasm to the youth. - IslamicMobility.com Hujjat-ul-Islam Sayed Mohammad Al-Musavi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Questions on Jurisprudenc I was first introduced to the Masa'il Fiqhiyya when I was a student in Qumm, Iran. Sayyid 'Ali Asgher Milani, the grandson of the late Ayatullah Milani, gave me a copy of the book and urged me to translate it so as "...to let the world know the truth of the Twelver Shi'i practices." - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Abdul Husayn Sharaf al Din Al Musawi - XKP en 09-11-2024
Rationality of Islam Role of religion, its need and impact on human life. A short history of the lives of the leaders of Islam and a basic guide to administration according to principles of Islam. ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Published by: Islamic Seminary Publications, Pakistan 1978 al-islam.org Ayatullah Syed Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei - XKP en 09-11-2024
Rays from the life of Imam Hasan bin Ali (as) This book is about the Imam Hasan [as]. He was the son of the first Imam who received his commission upon the death of his father, may Allah allow us to be called his Shi'ah. Thanks to al-islam.org islamicmobility.com Published by: Al Balagh Foundation Tehran Al Balagh Foundation - xkp en 09-11-2024
Rays of the Sun: 83 Stories from the Life of Imam Khomeini (ra) Stories from the personal and public life of the great scholar and leader of the Islamic revolution in Iran. Includes stories about Imam Khomeini's home life, his relationship with family members and with the public, his knowledge, his worship and his last days. Also includes an account of meeting Imam from the Western journalist Robin Woodsworth Carlsen. Office of Spiritual Leadership in Universities - XKP en 09-11-2024
Razavi Codes of Ethics A Glance at Imam Reza's Personal & Social Behavior! - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Islamic Mobility - XKP en 09-11-2024
Risalah Al Wilayah Risalah Al Wilayah - A treatise on Islamic Mysticism and Spiritual Wayfaring An excellent compilation by Brother Muhammad Raza Dawoodani - (raza.dawoodani@gmail.com) - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Allamah Muhammad Husain Tabatabai - XKP en 09-11-2024
Saeed Bin Jubayr Excellent for young readers. In this book you will find the Biography of Saeed Bin Jubayr, the great companion of the Imams Zaynul Abideen (as). Thanks to al-islam.org - islamicmobility.com Publisher: Ansariyan Foundation PO Box 37185 / 187 Qum, Iran Kamal al-Syyed - xkp en 09-11-2024
Salat al-Lail http://www.aldhiaa.com/english/show_book.php?book_id=483&link_book=jurisprudence_and_its_principles_library/jurisprudence_science/doctroinal_bodies_and_scientific_letters/salat_al_lail ---done--- Allamah Majlisi en 09-11-2024
Salatul Jumu`ah http://www.ziyaraat.net/books/SalatulJumah.pdf ----done---- Ayatullah Murtada Muttahri en 09-11-2024
Salman Al Muhammadi Excellent for young readers. Biography of the great companion of the Prophet (s). Thanks to al-islam.org islamicmobility.com Translated by: Jasim al-Alyawy Published by: Ansariyan Foundation Kamal al-Syyed - XKP en 09-11-2024
SCHOLASTIC THEOLOGY (KALAAM) It is not strange to raise the question of how can one make simpler a complex subject such as the science of kalaam or (scholastic theology)? This is what we have set out to do. In this booklet we have attempted to make the subject accessible as well as seeking to be as concise as possible. - ISLAMICMOBILITY.COM Ayatullah Murtada Mutahhari - XKP en 09-11-2024
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